HERE COMES THE SON: A Look at Malachi 4:2 (38 of 66)

But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousnessย will rise with healingย in its rays. And you will go out and frolicย like well-fed calves.

Malachi 4:2

Donkeys in Zechariah 9:9 and now fat calves in Malachi 4:2? You would think we were on a farm! In all seriousness, our mostly Hellenistic perspective struggles to connect that the majority of the audience were agrarian in nature and their world was centered on their livestock. Jesus taught in the same way, because, well Jesus is the Son of Man and since that is who is speaking in this verse, there is some obvious connection.

This is the last of the 12 minor prophets and the last of the verses from the OT. Malachi makes for a great send off to our Lord and Savior, the feature in the next 26 verses we will unpack.

Malachi 4:2 (or 3:20 depending on the version) is about a lasting hope. It says that even though there are fallen, broken people among us, God pays special attention to those devoted to him. His brilliant light brings warmth and comfort to ensure that those saved can be free to experience never ceasing joy.

I think the takeaways are pretty evident: God is brilliant, God is comforting, and God brings peace and joy.

For those that are already experience God’s brilliance, there is an abundance of comfort and reassurance. However, those seeking this relationship, this verse brings hope. All you have to do is say the words that you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior and there is nothing that can stop this peace and joy. Even in a storm, trial, or tribulation, His light takes away the darkness.

So what about the calves? Well-fed calves were prized possessions. Think of these well-fed calves happy in the pasture playing. That is a joy we must possess ourselves to keep the darkness at bay.

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